Special List

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Revision as of 19:11, 18 December 2018 by Randal Suire (talk | contribs)
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Ambox notice.png The latest version of this mod uses the guidelines for TNG v12+ cust_text.php files. If you are using TNGv12+, and any cust_text.php file in this mod is marked with a Bad Target error, you need to update your cust_text.php files before you can install this mod. [Show instructions]

If you upgraded to TNGv12+, and did not update your cust_text.php files as instructed in the upgrade readme script, then you must use the TNG Mod Manager to update them. To do so:

  1. Go to Mod Manager, and select its "Recommended Updates" tab.
    (If the "Recommended Updates" tab is not visible, then go to the Mod Manager Options tab, select "Display Settings", and turn on the "Recommended Updates" tab.)
  2. Click the "Update" button in the "Recommended Updates" tab.
    Installed mods do not interfere with the update, and if you already have (or think you may have) run this update, it will not hurt for you to run it again.

[See details in the TNGv12 Change Impacts Article][Hide the instructions]

TNG 14.0
TNG 13.0
TNG 12.0

Special List
Summary Adds a tab to the Admin Misc. page to add a 'Special List' option. Adds Most Notable page in Miscellaneous.

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Mod Updated 7 Dec 2018
Updated Version TNG12.0.2)
Download link special_list_v12.1.2_beta
TNG 12.0.2

English, French
German, Norwegian
Download stats See download statistics
Author(s) Bryan S Larson
Randal Suire
Homepage Special List (This page)
Mod Support TNG Community Forums
Contact Developer TNG Community Forums
Latest Mod 12.1.2_beta tested in TNGv12.0.2 only but should work in all 12 versions.
Min TNG V 12
Max TNG V 12.0.2
Files modified

languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php, languages/English/cust_text.php, customconfig.php, genlib.php, admin_misc.php, admin_whatsnewmsg, admin_mostwanted, mostwanted, admin_data_validation.php, admin_valreport.php, admin_backup.php, admin_optimize.php, admin_restore.php, admin_utilities.php, admin_genconfig.php, ajx_updateorder.php, admin_changetree.php, admin_renumber.php, admin_updateconfig.php, admin_getphotodetails.php
Related Mods
Latest mod tested in TNGv12.0.2 only .

Purpose of the mod

  • Adds a tab to the Admin Misc. page to add a 'Special List' option. Adds Most Notable page in Miscellaneous.
  • This mod is a duplicate of Most Wanted and is used for the purpose to "Create a list of notable people and photos, to give more publicity for the items that you wish to highlight".
  • The Special List mod was named Most Notable to highlight Nobility for family member viewing. The mod highlights the Nobility Person and or Nobility Photos which exists in our genealogy.
  • Note: You can rename Most Notable to suit your own needs (f ex Most Notorious) in the config file or mod manager Edit Options.
  • Scroll down to view screenshot of mod installed: Viewing the Most Notable entries.
  • Special List description will appear in the language you use. "It will not change" language


  • Personal Mod added to public tng users by Randal Suire.
  • Mod was updated from TNGv12.0.1 thru TNGv12.0.2


  • Special thanks to Jürgen Müller who updated German and Norwegian Languages.
  • Languages included are English, French, German, and Norwegian, Updated 7 Dec 2018 special_list_v12.1.2_beta
  • Original version special_list_v12.1.1b also available.


  • Noted Errors: Check all your installed language cust_text files for more than one install of special list Custom_Text_Additions


  • A working TNG installation. The automated installation release was tested at TNG Version 12.0.1.
  • An installed current version of the Mod Manager.

Files Modified

Please backup the following files prior to installing.
languages/English/cust_text.php, languages/English-UTF8/cust_text.php, customconfig.php, genlib.php, admin_misc.php, admin_whatsnewmsg, admin_mostwanted, mostwanted, admin_data_validation.php, admin_valreport.php, admin_backup.php, admin_optimize.php, admin_restore.php, admin_utilities.php, admin_genconfig.php, ajx_updateorder.php, admin_changetree.php, admin_renumber.php, admin_updateconfig.php, admin_getphotodetails.php

New Files Created

These files will be created.
admin_editspeciallist.php, admin_updatespeciallist.php, admin_findslmedia.php, admin_speciallist.php, speciallist.php, languages/English/speciallist_help.php, languages/English-UTF8/speciallist_help.php, js/speciallist.js

Automated Installation

  1. Download Special List Mod, upload and extract to the mods folder. Instructions are included in Mod Manager.
  2. Follow the normal automated installation for Mod Manager, as shown in the example Mod Manager - Installing Config Files to install.
  3. After install open mod manager click on special_list_v12.0.1b and follow the installation instructions.

Custom Text Additions

$sltab = "Most Notable";
$slperson = "Notable People";
$slphoto = "Notable Photos";
$sllinkvar = 1;
$sllink = "mostwanted.php";
$sllinktext = "View our most notable page here ...";
$sltellus = "Tell us what you think of this";
$admtext['miscitems'] = "Notes, What's New, Most Wanted, $sltab";
$admtext['slblurb'] = "Create a list of notable people and photos, to give more publicity for the items that you wish to highlight.";
$admtext['speciallist'] = $sltab;
$text['speciallist'] = "Most Notable";
$text['slperson'] = $slperson;
$text['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$text['sltellus'] = $sltellus;
$admtext['slperson'] = $slperson;
$admtext['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$admtext['sltype'] = "Type";
$admtext['confremsl'] = "Are you sure you want to remove this item?";

$sltab = "Most Notable";
$slperson = "Notable People";
$slphoto = "Notable Photos";
$sllinkvar = 1;
$sllink = "mostwanted.php";
$sllinktext = "View our most notable page here ...";
$sltellus = "Tell us what you think of this";
$admtext['miscitems'] = "Notes, What's New, Most Wanted, $sltab";
$admtext['slblurb'] = "Create a list of notable people and photos, to give more publicity for the items that you wish to highlight.";
$admtext['speciallist'] = $sltab;
$text['speciallist'] = "Most Notable";
$text['slperson'] = $slperson;
$text['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$text['sltellus'] = $sltellus;
$admtext['slperson'] = $slperson;
$admtext['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$admtext['sltype'] = "Type";
$admtext['confremsl'] = "Are you sure you want to remove this item?";

$sltab = "Plus Remarquable";
$slperson = "Personne Remarquable";
$slphoto = "Photos Notables";
$sllinkvar = 1;
$sllink = "mostwanted.php";
$sllinktext = "Voir notre page la plus remarquable ici ....";
$sltellus = "Dites-nous ce que vous en pensez";
$admtext['miscitems'] = "Notes, Quoi de neuf, les plus recherchés, $sltab";
$admtext['slblurb'] = "Créez une liste de personnes et de photos notables, pour donner plus de publicité aux éléments que vous souhaitez mettre en valeur";
$admtext['speciallist'] = $sltab;
$text['speciallist'] = "Plus Remarquable";
$text['slperson'] = $slperson;
$text['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$text['sltellus'] = $sltellus;
$admtext['slperson'] = $slperson;
$admtext['slphoto'] = $slphoto;
$admtext['sltype'] = "Type";
$admtext['confremsl'] = "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet élément ?";


Currently available in English, French, German, Norwegian

  • For French manually add to the language folder in its cust_text language file.
  • For other languages you can manually add to the language in its cust_text file.
  • The default language you select will not change description to other languages!

In the event of a problem

Sites using this mod

Support this mod by adding your TNG site to the table below:

URL User Note Mod-Version TNG-Version User-language
Our Acadian Family Randal Suire Mod author 12.1.1b 12.0.2 EN, FR